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Steering Wheel Lamp problems, Gen IV Toro


Experience with the steering wheel lamps

While I was about it, I also fixed the broken button on the steering wheel controls. This required removal of the airbag (read the GM instructions and follow them all without fail, the airbag contains a powerful explosive charge), removal of the switches and then careful dismantling of the switch assembly. I was able to glue a new hinge back in and put everything together again. I also soldered in a new 12v bulb to replace the blown one. This cost about 50c from my local electronics store. I would rate the job as middling easy apart from handling the airbag.

However, I also had the ground connector for the horn snap off as I removed the airbag. Bummer. By removing the steering wheel (I have a puller), I was able to reveal the plastic tube that the connector "bayonets" into, and by heating a copper wire to cherry red I was able to cut a new track for the male part of the connector tube. This took about 20-30 goes. I think the connector had already failed as it "just fell apart". However, anyone removing the airbag should be very careful not to pull it too far from the steering wheel until they have removed all the connectors, especially the ground for the horns.


Submitted by: Jon Gordon-Smith
